
De Guía Ubuntu
Revisión a fecha de 20:27 26 oct 2006; GrindCore (Discusión | contribuciones)

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Como el conocido Winrar en windows, tambien existe este formato de compresion para Ubuntu. este te ayuda a comprimir / descomprimir archivos en este formato *.rar.


Para instalar:

Sistema ==>Administracion==>Gestor de paquetes Synaptic

y ponen buscar y ponen esto


tienen ke instalar esa libreria

Luego en la consola tipean esto:

$ sudo apt-get install rar


unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>

              <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>


 e             Extract files to current directory
 l[t,b]        List archive [technical, bare]
 p             Print file to stdout
 t             Test archive files
 v[t,b]        Verbosely list archive [technical,bare]
 x             Extract files with full path


 -             Stop switches scanning
 ad            Append archive name to destination path
 ap<path>      Set path inside archive
 av-           Disable authenticity verification check
 c-            Disable comments show
 cfg-          Disable read configuration
 cl            Convert names to lower case
 cu            Convert names to upper case
 dh            Open shared files
 ep            Exclude paths from names
 ep3           Expand paths to full including the drive letter
 f             Freshen files
 id[c,d,p,q]   Disable messages
 ierr          Send all messages to stderr
 inul          Disable all messages
 kb            Keep broken extracted files
 n<file>       Include only specified file
 n@            Read file names to include from stdin
 n@<list>      Include files in specified list file
 o+            Overwrite existing files
 o-            Do not overwrite existing files
 or            Rename files automatically
 ow            Save or restore file owner and group
 p[password]   Set password
 p-            Do not query password
 r             Recurse subdirectories
 sl<size>      Process files with size less than specified
 sm<size>      Process files with size more than specified
 ta<date>      Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
 tb<date>      Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format

Y ahora podran des/comprimir archivos de este formato :)